My First Food Club Order – September 2010
I joined a local food club, “Paradise Food Club”. My first order came in this past Monday. I’ll try to share my order every month so you can get a feel for what is available. I was really excited to hear about this club. It is, unfortunately, not a local or even state sourced program […]
Apple Bread Revisited
This is one of the first recipes I started using regularly when we got married. It is so, so good. I posted in a couple years ago as part of my 9 Things We Do With Apples post. When I referred back to that this year it wasn’t written as clearly as I’d like. Besides, […]
Thoughts on Marriage After Two Years
That hardest part is starting, right? So I’m just going to start this post and see where it goes. I’ve been mulling it over in my head. I reread last year’s post for inspiration. Still, I basically got nothing. Last year I had a lot to write about because things were so hard and then, […]
A Little Photo Fun
I was trying to find a good picture to use in my Thoughts on Marriage post. Instead, I ended up having some fun playing around with other pictures. These are from a recent hay day at our new friends’ The Glasers. What do you think? Have you played with any pictures lately? Care to share?