20 week appointment
I really don’t mean for this to turn in to a pregnancy journal. It just seems like this is the stuff that is so important to remember that I can’t skip it. It has turned in to a great way to keep my family and friends up to date on baby stuff. If you’re one […]
Ultrasound Pics
We had our ultrasound on Feb. 16th. It was awesome! I’ll save the more intimate shots but let’s just say that as soon as the tech turned the camera on there was no doubt about it… Baby Becker is a boy!! He’s a thinker… and is very healthy and strong. Everything checked out great! We […]
16 week appointment
January 26th was our 16 week appt. I’m was exactly 16 week. I met the OB for the first time. He was running so far behind and was in a hurry but he did take the time make sure all my questions were answered. He wasn’t too concerned with exercise and cleared me to start […]