January 26th was our 16 week appt. I’m was exactly 16 week.  I met the OB for the first time. He was running so far behind and was in a hurry but he did take the time make sure all my questions were answered. He wasn’t too concerned with exercise and cleared me to start a DVD routine. I also asked about taking fish oil which he said is fine. HR was 150 and everything feels right on for 16 weeks. He did question me about any signs of depression which at first scared me because he made it sound like I had been struggling with that. When I looked confused he just explained that they really want to keep tabs on how I’m feeling all the way through the pregnancy and after the birth. I had a bout of depression as a teenager so I am at a higher risk for PPD, which I already knew. Anyway, he said definitely do some form of regular exercise at least 2-3 times a week and get outside as much as I can despite the crappy weather. Which I think I do a pretty good job of since I can’t exactly do barn chores from my living room. 🙂

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0 Responses

  1. It doesn’t sound like he gave you a very personal visit… I think I would prefer a personal interaction when I’m expecting! I mean, hey, doesn’t he know that pregnant ladies can go crazy on him? He should be nice! 😛

  2. Hey where are you going? I went to women’s they were great. I did the midwife thing and they seemed to have more time to chat and answer the 700 questions that I brought each time. Hope all is well!

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