Freezer Cooking: Basic Meatball Recipe
These basic meatballs are great to have fully cooked and frozen. There are all sorts of way to fancy them up later on. Ingredients: 4# ground beef 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 cup dry bread crumbs 1/2 cup finely chopped onion 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 2 cups milk Generous sprinkle steak seasoning (optional) […]
2011 Garden: Seed Order
Amish Paste $2.50 Big Month $1.75 Roma $1.75 Rutgers $2.00 Sugar Snap Snow Peas $2.50 Golden Bantam 12-row Corn $3.00 All ordered from, just like every other year. $3.00 shipping. I’m pretty sure this is my smallest seed order since we’ve lived here. Hopefully, I’ll keep good enough records this year that I can […]
2011 Garden: Seed Stash
I skipping the fluff and going for the basics that will save the most $$$ on groceries. This means tomatoes, potatoes, corn, cucumbers, carrots, and onions. I’m also planning to do some peas and beans. Even though they’re cheap to buy they’re easy to grow and I enjoy fresh peas in the pod. If we […]