Kent Keith
Born 7/7/11 @ 9:58AM
6# 3 oz. – 19 inches long
In answer to all the popular questions:
How was the labor? Speedy, very intense, but the best I could have asked for really. We left for the hospital at 6:30 AM still not convinced it was real labor, my water broke on the way there, and he was born at 10.
How do I feel? Great! I kept myself pretty quiet for the first couple weeks and just lately have started to venture down the stairs, lift laundry baskets, etc. I was never very sore or anything like I expected.
How is the baby doing? He’s wonderful. We could not ask for a better baby. We had one rough night and part of a bad day while we figured some things out and since then it has been pretty smooth sailing.
Is he sleeping through the night? This one is sort of silly. He’s a baby, he’s supposed to eat every few hours. However, he has already established a routine and goes to bed between 11-12 each night and sleeps until 4:15-5:15 in the morning. So yeah, he’s sleeping as much as we’d like and goes the longest stretch at night which is the most important part. For me. 🙂
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming…
Oh, he is adorable! Congrats!!! Life will never be the same again… enjoy!
I had a baby girl 27 yrs. ago that weighed #6 6oz and was 19-inches long. Very similar in weight. Enjoy every minute w/that lil’ guy cuz before you know it…………they’re 27 yrs. old. Nothing beats motherhood. Keep a journal, as he grows up he’ll have a lot to tell you, things to ponder, phrases and sayings you won’t remember if you don’t. He’s beautiful, job well done!
Congratulations!!! He’s adorable and I’m so happy to hear that things are going SO well! 🙂
Congratulations! (That’s my grandma’s birthday! It was her 80th this year, so it’s clearly a lucky day!) I know you’ll be busy now, but make sure to always take a moment for yourself, even if only to breathe.
Congrats again Jena! And based on your other post you’ve accomplished more this week than I have 🙂
Hehe, that’s ok, you’re on VACATION!! 🙂