If you’re like me, you intend to get in the Bible more regularly.  It sounds so nice in theory:  sipping on your morning coffee tea while reading a passage and mulling it over.  Quiet words with God.  Starting your day with a fresh perspective and the reassurance that comes with knowing He is there at your side.  It sounds good but who has time!?

Quit putting it off.

Stop waiting for tomorrow.

Let’s carve out a little bit of time NOW.  Not next year, or the one after.  This year.

I probably know less of the Bible than most anyone reading this.  I didn’t become a Christian until I was 17, but that’s a story for another day.  I only mention it now because I don’t want you to feel intimidated about reading the Bible or joining a Bible Study.  You may be surprised to find a lot of other women don’t know or understand much of it either.  All the more reason to spend time with the women who know more and can teach us.

Any time reading and studying will benefit you.  The problem I’ve had in the past is falling off the wagon a few days or weeks in.  If you need someone to hold you accountable I have two options for you.  I’ll be participating in both of these and I am so excited about them:

So there you go.  Is it time?

If you’ve already made time for this I’d love to hear what you’re doing!

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0 Responses

  1. Good luck! As a non-Christian, I won’t be joining you, but I hope that your readings give you the comfort and “mental home base” that you need. And, if it would help you (to use as reference), you could always do a mini-post or a weekly wrap-up of what you’ve read and how you want to implement it in your life. I wouldn’t worry about thinking you’re pushing your ideas onto someone, or anything like that. A little spirituality never hurt anyone. 😛

  2. Hi Jena – thanks for re-posting this on Facebook. I read about 14 chapters of the Bible weekly along with a devotional each day, but I don’t necessarily read the Bible every day. I’m going to join the online group because even as I read the Bible, I don’t always understand what I’m reading!!!!

    1. You’re a Bible reading superstar compared to me! Way to go. I’m really excited to dig in to it and starting learning more. I thought I might post on the message board to get a small group together so you’re welcome to join me if you don’t see another group that jumps out at you.

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