I’ve decided I’m just calling it the junkyard.  The area out back behind the shed and shop was everybody’s dumping ground before we bought this place.  Brian always comments when we find things that his family took to get rid of for him:  they didn’t take anything very far, and then we got it all back.  It looks terrible back there.

Funny, you wouldn’t believe it but it is a big improvement over how it looked when we moved in.  Brian has hauled tons of junk away.  This year we fenced it off and turned the sheep loose in there.  That helped a lot, now it looks like we mow it.  Unfortunately, now that the weeds are gone you can see every little piece of anything that is scattered around.  Beer can anyone?  Old rubber hose?  Rotten boards that are way older than me?  A lawn mower… with no mowing parts.  A shopping cart!?  (Okay, we actually moved that inside the shed and out of sight, but it used to be out there.)

I’m not sure how we ended up working on clean up back there this week.  We were talking about how we get sick of feeling like the place looks so crappy even though we’ve done so much work already.  It’s not like we don’t have a million more pressing projects but we jumped in to cleaning it up anyway.  Brian and I worked on it Sunday night and then I spent all day out there on Monday.  We burned the old rotting boards and some other short pieces of scrap lumber.  Brian is cutting up the rest of the lumber to use in his wood stove this winter.  I raked and raked and raked and still have more to do.  A lifetime worth of pine cones still covers the ground back there.  There are a ton of sticks and tree limbs, too.  Those are a little harder to rake.

Anyway, I’m sore and sun burnt but at least we’re a little closer to getting rid of our own on-farm junkyard.  We probably won’t be back out there until Wednesday because tomorrow is our anniversary.  I can use a rest anyway!  🙂

What’s the worst looking spot in your yard?  Tackling any big projects lately?

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0 Responses

  1. good for you for tackling that job! we’ve been cleaning up too, but we have a rusted old wood stove that is too heavy to move in the driveway and next to it is some mower parts and a trash can full of sand that has fallen through an old pallet. It looks awful. I think there is a big chunk of cement that was cut off of a fence post, but is too heavy for me to put in the trash can (and they won’t take anything that isn’t in the can, so rolling it does no good). Yea, it looks awful. 🙂

    Happy Anniversary!! 🙂

  2. Hello, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog for quite awhile now. I do not have my own blog but I have a select few I like to read. I am a mom in my late 40’s. I have 2 children. One out on her own and one at home. I can really relate to your way of life. It is refreshing to see a young couple work TOGETHER and I was thrilled to learn of your new arrival. We too are Christians and we try to live our lives the way God leads. We do not live on a farm but we do own about 40 chicken (mostly bantams) and I so enjoy watching them and hearing them. We do garden and I love to can. Enough of my rambling. I will be praying for you and your little one. Enjoy everyday because time goes so fast. Your a great encouragement to me. God is so good and I am thankful for your blog. Love in Christ, Tammy

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