Where to begin!?  My normal life and routine have been put on hold for the last several weeks.  I painted our office which meant letting my house go for a week and a half and painting, painting, painting, during nap times and when Kent was in the mood to play on his own.  The painting is done and I’m finally happy with the color.  I painted the dark, wood trim white and I like it.  I normally like to keep the natural wood look but after studying a lot of pictures online I realized the wood was dragging down our house.  The white looks fresh and new and actually allows the remaining wood (the floor in this case) to shine.  I have a new desk for me half built so that needs to be finished and then I can decorate on and around it. 

Just when I started to get back to normal my Dad and my step-mom came for a visit.  We were thrilled to have them and grateful that they came.  My Dad helped me do two big projects that would have cost us a lot of $$$ to have someone else do.  More on that later!  It worked out really well because Dawn, my step-mom, was able to watch Kent in the house so I could work with my Dad and get more done.  Let me tell you though, there is a reason I stay at home:  I miss my baby when I’m not with him!!  I’ve been holding him at night for awhile after he falls asleep just so I can get in my cuddle time. 

Now they are headed home and things are still going to be hectic for awhile.  Tomorrow December starts so it’s time to finish the last of the Christmas presents and do a little shopping.  I want to decorate and we need to fit in a trip to our favorite holiday CHRISTMAS tree farm. 

The projects continue around here, too.  Tomorrow the plumber is coming to hook up our laundry tubs and a kitchen sink in our basement.  He’s also going to run a line for a gas range so we can eventually install one of those down there.  The plan is to make one corner of the basement in to a canning kitchen so I don’t have canning supplies all over the main kitchen from July through November every year. 

The laundry tub installation is of particular importantance because I’m raising baby calves.  Washing and filling a bunch of calf bottles in your kitchen sink isn’t beautiful or hygienic.  It’s gross.  Raising bottle calves isn’t easy but I’m enjoying the challenge and increasing the farm’s income, too.  That, among other things, is helping me to refocus on the farm as a whole.  We’ve been talking over our long term plans for the place and I have a lot of work to do to get our goals on paper and make them happen.

It’s an exciting time around here.  I don’t know if it’s the hormones from nursing or what but I cry really easy these days.  Fortunately they are mostly happy tears!  Kent is growing so, so fast and I really am cherishing every moment.  Brian is enjoying him more and more as he smiles and laughs at us now, and I just love the moments when we’re all together.  God is working in my life, I can feel it.

If I have any readers left after the crazy. sporadic bit of posting I’ve been doing than I thank you for sticking around.  I don’t know when or if I’ll be able to commit to writing here regularly again but I don’t intend to stop completely. 

Until next time!

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0 Responses

  1. Hang in there, it’s “only” life, enjoy the ride. Being a farm girl myself, I do know the extent of work it requires, and sometimes it just feels overwhelming. However, I wouldn’t trade my life, for any of the lives my friends have. That said, God bless you.

  2. That is the fun part about this you can write or comment when you have the time and feel like it. Thanks for sharing. I am not much of a sharing person I feel like people wouldn’t want to read about me but I love to read about other poeple. Thank-You for your willingness to share.

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