Found this is my drafts from 5/5/2009… so almost 3 years ago.  New thoughts at the end.

I had a different post planned for today but this seems to fit. To put it frankly, I had a less than great weekend. Brian got some things done but I didn’t accomplish much. The horse got out and ran through the garden, and one calf got out TWICE and it took us 1-2 hours to catch him. It was one of those moments when we were both so fed up that neither of us could do anything right. I was ready to throw in the towel and get rid of all the animals. I have 99 chickens stinking up my basement, for pete’s sake!! I’m not sure what brought me out of that funk but I’m fine now and of course, all the animals are staying. Well, not all. Brian’s sister took one of the horses and another is going to a new home this week too. The rest are staying!

Today I got more done than I did all weekend. While grocery shopping with my Mom we ran in to an old neighbor of mine. He is out of work and his wife’s hours just got cut. Hearing that really put things in perspective for me.  We are really lucky and blessed to have all that we do.

New:  Chickens in the basement!!!!  Really!?  I do remember those days I guess, where they spent their first few days down there is a big cardboard box with their heat lamp.  I remember not being able to sleep and checking on them all night long, afraid the house was going to burn down.  Boy am I glad that is in the past.  I still feel like we’re blessed though – more than ever!

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0 Responses

  1. The reference to the chickens in the basement made me laugh. Once, while home from college on Spring break, I attempted to convince my parents that chickens were going to be the perfect addition to our garden. So I bought 6 at the TSC with my 6 year old brother. They are all sorts of cute and fuzzy and everyone thought they were precious… until I got on a plane and headed back to Oklahoma. Ahem. My father called me at 2 am a few nights/mornings later and informed me that someone hadn’t closed the basement door completely and there were adolescent chicks flying around his kitchen. I was never allowed to bring anything else into house after that. Worst of all, my dad got to my husband and NO ONE wants me to have an urban chicken farm now!

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