We’ve entered the very last hour of this week so it’s a fine time to tell you about it. This was the best, most successful week I’ve had since Kent was born. I stayed on task and accomplished what I set out to do all week long. I cooked, we ate, we played, we had visitors, we had fun. It was lovely! The best part? It only took me 8 months to get here. The worst part? It took me 8 months to get here!!
That’s not to say I have it all figured out, obviously. Just like any other kid Kent changes things up about every 5 minutes. It was true what my friend Michelle told me – just when you have it figured out they’ll do something different and you’ll have to start all over.
Anyway, the point of this post isn’t to ramble on about parenting… I want to share bits and pieces of life from this past week.
We had a set of twin lambs born. They’re the last of this group. It was fun for me because I was there right after she had the first one. I went back in the house before the second one was born but it was still fun to watch her with the newborn. The second one isn’t as vigorous as the first but so far so good.
In other lamb news our lambs are going up to the local photographer on St. Patrick’s Day to pose with kids in Easter pictures! I can’t wait to see how cute these pictures turn out.
I started planning my garden today. I sorted through the seeds that I have on hand but then I got overwhelmed so that’s as far as I got. Last year I planted the bare essentials: tomatoes and potatoes. This year I want/need to do more variety again. Now that Kent is eating I’m trying to include a lot of vegetables in our diet so there are more things I want to grow. Romaine lettuce, spinach, and broccoli to name a few. I am so excited to plant sugar snap peas for him. One summer I babysat for a toddler and he loved to pick snap peas and eat them right out of the garden. I can’t believe my own kid will be able to do that this year!
I started a sewing project tonight so I’ll share more details and a picture if it turns out. It’s a skirt for me for Easter. I always envision lovely Easter outfits and never make them reality so this year I’m trying harder.
That reminds me, I need to post some pictures of my desk. I made it out of reclaimed lumber and I love it.
Our house is kind of frustrating me. We’ve been through the whole main floor now and made cosmetic changes and small fixes. I’m kind of stuck because I have so many good ideas for organizing and decorating but we’ll eventually be remodeling most of the rooms so it seems like a waste to do any more work on them now. I’ve become a big fan of the Nate Berkus show now that I can DVR it and watch it a few minutes at a time. There are so many great ideas on that show!
I’m trying to think of what we did this week…not a lot is coming to mind. Maybe that’s why it seemed like such a manageable week!
Time for bed!
I need some advice. If I do make this skirt for Easter what is the appropriate thing to wear with it? Nylons? Tights? What kind of shoes? It’s been a long time since I’ve worn a dress except a sundress. It’s about knee length if that helps.
Do you wear something special for Easter? How was your week? Tell me about it, I’d love to hear!
Not taking time to proofread so please disregard my typos!
Glad you had a productive week! We had a crazy one. I had an observation/evaluation at school, then took a huge physics test on Saturday, my birthday! Josh’s bday is tomorrow, and his party next week so I’m busily working on that. I’m so excited and can’t wait to give him his train table that Ed built!!!
No idea about the Easter outfit. Maybe light sheer nylons with close toed shoes?! I’ll be trying to squeeze into whatever fits. My semi-maternity wardrobe is pathetic! 🙂 I found that things got better in stages after Colton…but I was in a complete fog for about 10 months, I think. yay for a great week! 🙂 love those!
If it is suppose to be nice I would think nylons, tights might be a little to warm. Think spring! Nice to hear you had a great week, everyone deserves one once in a while. I bet the twin lambs are so cute. We will be starting our calving season in a couple of weeks, it gets exciting when it starts. Hope you have another good week, the weather is suppose to be beautiful.
I’d probably go with light nylons and closed toed shoes like Julie says. If you’ve got cute open toed, then by all means just wear slip and bare-legs, as open toes + nylons always looks like my grandma to me. Ick. But if you’ll be chilly, perhaps some spring-colored tights? And don’t forget a colorful sweater — it’s always colder than you’ll think it’ll be on Easter!