M: Hamburger Helper / Spaghetti + Garlic Bread
T: Beef Roast + Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
W: “Wow” Chicken + Sweet Potato Fries
R: Ham Roast + Mac & Cheese
F: Alfredo Pizza
S: Leftovers
S: Shorts Ribs + Rice
The Hamburger Helper was in our pantry for Brian to have on nights I was gone but I’m rarely gone and it needed to go. I made a double batch of it and froze the rest for his lunches. I’m going to shred up the Beef Roast leftovers for Roast Beef Sandwiches (thanks for the idea Melinda!). “Wow” Chicken is from Pinterest, it just says 1/2 cup of yogurt + 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese spread over chicken breasts and baked. The Ham Roast leftovers will get shredded and frozen for Pulled Pork Sandwiches later. I have a great Short Ribs recipe to post someday. Can you tell I’m trying to get a lot better about using up leftovers? I’m tired of throwing them out when they’re molding in the fridge!
How do you handle leftovers?
Leftovers in my house become lunch the next day. Usually in a slightly different way..taco meat will be nachos, hamburgers get served as cheeseburger salad, shredded chicken sandwiches..etc.
I eat the left overs. The pot roast? I had to start making casseroles with the leftovers because my husband won’t eat a warmed up slice with mashed potatoes… I, on the other hand, have no problem with it 🙂
Sounds good! We have the hardest time sticking to a menu plan. It’s awful. Usually Steve brings leftovers to work for lunch. (If the place he’s at has a microwave) I’ve been thinking about you a lot. I think I wrote to you after that sweet, sweet care package you sent us near Christmas, but in case the baby-brain took over and I haven’t I want you to know that I think of you when the kids play with the magnets and we use the cup ALL THE TIME. 🙂 Thank you. <3