I have a few weeks of Tot School to post about so I can get caught up.  We started with Color Themes.  First up was Blue.

Kent was 12 months old that week.

The very first thing we did was go around the house and collect all the blue items we could find. I recently read that Montessori theory speaks against this activity for fear of teaching the child to recognize an object only for it’s individual characteristics instead of appreciating it as a whole. I still see value in doing this activity so I just make a point to clarify that “The bucket is blue. The bucket is also round, and light” instead of just saying “This is blue”.
He had fun with a little blue food coloring added to cornstarch and water. He didn’t really paint but flung water around a little bit.


I attempted to make blue food but it turned out green. Blue food coloring + canned pears and french toast.
I introduced him to the Magna Doodle. At that point his favorite part was chewing on the stylus.
He didn’t grasp the concept of writing with the stylus but he did have fun using the magnet shapes. He was acting incredibly goofy with the Magna Doodle. He was climbing on it and rolling around by it like a cat in catnip.
This caught his interest.
He was gifted with Melissa and Doug’s Cutting Food. He had a great time exploring the different pieces.
We tried dot art with this printout. He wasn’t in to it at all.
Our washing machine was on the fritz so Kent and I took advantage of the opportunity to deep clean and scrub some of Daddy’s dirty work clothes. I’m calling it a great sensory activity!
He had a great time rolling this truck around on different surfaces. This was a pretty new skill for him.
His fascination with climbing around on the Magna Doodle continued all week.

Have you done Color Themes?  Any must-do activities to share?  What does your kid do with a Magna Doodle?

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0 Responses

  1. how fun! i’ve been thinking of doing some color themed things with Colton. I think he knows most of the colors, but he ALWAYS called red lights orange. I’m wondering if he’s a little mixed up or if he really sees them as orange?! He love to erase while I draw on the MagnaDoodle. lol!

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