Here’s me with my new haircut. It looks lopsided in this pic but it’s not. It’s so light compared to my long heavy ponytail. When I get to the point where all I do is put my hair in a ponytail I know it’s time to change things up!!
Tomorrow is my birthday. We’re going out to dinner at our favorite place: Red Lobster! I have a lot to celebrate this year with having Kent and eliminating debt. I feel so blessed! I’ll be turning 26.
The farm is keeping us busy. We’re forever expanding it seems like. We’ve had to hire some occasional help to keep up. We’re in talks with a restaurant about potentially supplying them with meat. I am working on the zoning application for a little on-farm store where we can sell our meats by the cut. I had hoped it would be done this month but it looks like that won’t happen.
Kent is growing fast and thriving. He is 14 months old now. He was 33″+ tall and over 22# at last check. He is starting to use silverware and dishes to eat instead of just taking food off his tray by hand. He drinks by himself from a real glass at meals, usually getting quite a bit in his lap but not throwing the cup or spilling it on purpose. I recently read Diaper Free Before 3 and introduced him to the potty about 2 weeks ago. We have ups and downs but he definitely gets the concept. He’s napping in his “big boy bed” (futon mattress on the floor) right now. Our baby is definitely not a baby anymore! He’s past toddling even: he runs everywhere, climbs up and down stairs alone, climbs up and goes down his Little Tykes slide alone, climbs in his high chair alone, and is fascinated with getting up on the step stool and washing his hands in the sink (with help).
Long enough, I suppose…
What’s new at your place? I’d love to hear!
That is amazing news about the restaurant – I will be praying for God’s will for you!! Your haircut is super cute – I’m at at that stage right now where all I do is pull is back. I’m hesitant to cut it too short right now (even though I usually cut it all of at some point in the fall), but I definitely need a trim of some sorts. Kent sounds like he’s doing wonderfully – not that I expected anything less from the Becker family 😉
HI Jena, Happy Birthday! Thanks for your nice comments about our website.
Good luck with the restaurant negotiations – that would be great!