It is Saturday, right? 😉 With me home and Brian on four 10’s it gets a little confusing.
Let’s see what’s new.
I’m in the midst of painting our living room, to be followed by painting the kitchen. I found my dream couch on craigslist yesterday so my Mom and Kent and I drove down last night and bought it. This is one project that I hope I actually get around to posting pictures of. The room transformation is pretty amazing. I keep walking in there and just sitting down and looking at it. Taking the time to pick the perfect paint color really paid off. I love the way it looks.
I finally finished canning applesauce only to be gifted with another box of tomatoes. Our garden is still producing tomatoes, too. We do need more pizza sauce yet so I just keep putting up as much as I can. Our freezers are overflowing. I need to update my freezer inventory and start cooking with more variety. I did a menu plan this past week for the first time in a long time and that was time well spent.
It’s a busy time on the farm. We have more cattle and sheep then we’ve ever had before. We’d like to downsize some for the winter. We’ll see.
I have some good post ideas for the week but am not promising to actually write them out. As I just shared with my friend Jess @ A New Leaf I go back and forth about whether I should continue to keep this blog going. It hardly seems worth it if I can’t find the time to blog more consistently. God keeps nudging me on though so I keep trying. The biggest issue in my opinion is the wide range of topics I write about. It’s a rare reader who wants to hear about farming, Tot School, God, and menu planning, ya know what I mean? And I don’t really want to narrow down to one focus because that’s not my life. I’ve been kind of trying to post about certain topics on the same day each week so readers will know when to pop in for what they like. Any other ideas?
Actually, if you are reading this, could you somehow let me know you’re here and maybe chime in with what you’d most like to read about? I know there are a fair amount of people visiting the blog that never comment. I could really use your feedback. Post ideas are welcome! I once asked on Facebook what I should write about and although there were a lot of good ideas I can’t find that page now.
I have an idea for an ongoing series of articles… but I’ve never successfully completed any series here on the blog. I always slack off and quit partway in. I’m just going to keep praying about it for now.
What’s up in your world this week? Can you give a girl a little feedback today? Thanks in advance!
I agree that sometimes it’s awkward to post about a wide variety of subjects, BUT when I started A New Leaf, I took everything I loved from all the blogs I loved and created A New Leaf. Everything from finances, homemade items, crafts, recipes, freebies I get in the mail, menu planning, game reviews, book reviews… and with a bambino on the way, I’m sure I’ll be posting children things soon too! I absolutely love the variety – a life well lived is full of variety and that’s what I want to hear about as a reader – YOUR life. Just my two cents 🙂
And FYI, whenever I see a new blog post from you in my Facebook feed, I get deliriously happy. So yes, you should keep this going. You inspire me and, no doubt, others as well.
Thank you for your kind words!
I’ve thought of quitting blogging a few times, and then I get back on a kick. I think of it more like a digital scrapbook now or journal, and I’m glad I have it as a record of our lives. I imagine someday someone will enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy reading my great grandma’s journals. So even though I’ve hardly posted at all lately, I know I’ll get back to it eventually.
You can’t quit!! You’re like my original blog role model!!
HI As i sit here on a very dreary &cold sat morn in Pa iread the blog,what a nice way to pass the time &to hear what others are doing besides in your backyard. Sounds like a busy time but anyone who farms knows that the days are filled from morning to nite.May God bless your to find the time to continue this page &may we be able to run the gamit of suggestions to talk about,as is what we woman do best correct! Keep up the good work
May i just say that reading your blog has helped me to get to know another ‘sister in Christ’ that i love. Even as i laugh and chuckle and remember what it was like to have married a farmer and the farm and the farm family! Keep up the blog, as winter is coming and things will “slow down” (which is a relative term, of course) and maybe you will inspire me to join the tech age and journal online instead of in my books! See ya tomorrow, Lord willing.
Oh good, I’m so glad I found your comment! It didn’t show up in my e-mail like normal so I’ve been looking for it. Thank you for your kind words. It’s nice to talk to someone who has been through the season of life on a farm and come through it well. I was sad to miss you and the service yesterday, I did not feel good so I stayed in bed all day and Brian took Kent out with his Grandma.
Keep going! I think nowadays, most people use feed readers, so it’s not really noticeable how often a person blogs, you just consume new posts when they come in. I personally like the variety of posts in people’s blogs, it reflects real life and the whole person. If there is a topic I’m less interested in, I just skim. For me, farming topics are the draw, but I also enjoy learning about other aspects of people’s lives. I think the fun part about blogs is they can focus on minutia- just the day-to-day aspects of our lives, which you’d never see in a book, magazine article, etc.
Have you poked around in WordPress’s statistics to see which of your posts and topics are the most read and searched-upon? I find with my blog, it’s amazing how some simple post I dashed out on a “how to” will end up being a huge hitter, with people continuing to read the post years after I wrote it. But heartwarming stories about animals are the ones that generate the most comments! 🙂
Thank you for the feedback. You have a good idea there. I have looked at the stats occasionally but not as a means to help me pick a direction.
I read and enjoy your blog when you do post. I like your posts on all topics. Probably my favourite are the farm updates, but I do like them all! I also like the money posts – I think that’s how I found your blog in the first place (LLNOE years ago). I hope you keep up with the blog!
I enjoy reading and like Michelle said I have you in a reader, so I read when you post. I love the farm posts, but I enjoy the others as well. You know I’m still wondering where I’m going with my blog. At one time I feel like I had more to offer people who came to read. Now I’m kind of just journalling and if people enjoy that, great…if not, well, it’s still there for me to look back on! Do what feels comfortable! 🙂
Thanks for the encouragement Julie! I do find it very handy to have this online record of the past. I search to see how much I canned last year, etc., and am always disappointed when I didn’t make good notes. So I guess that is a perk.