Kent was 13 months old in August.

We didn’t do much for structured Tot School in August and September. We had a lot of fun and did random activities as they fit in. His physical development exploded in August!

He figured out how to climb up…
… and slide down!
We switched to a real glass at mealtimes.
He learned to climb up in his high chair by himself. We’d find him like this.
We tried a new activity with him washing dishes on the floor while I washed them in the sink.
He had fun, I got my work done, and the floor got mopped with that towel when we were done.
He started to seek out his Little People farm. His favorite thing to do is put all the animals in the top of the silo and take them out under the door.
He learned how to climb up in his rocking chair and sit down, and we laughed as hard as he did about it.

If you think you see disposable diapers in some of these pictures you’re right.  We had an issue with diaper rash that turned in to a staph infection so our doctor suggested we use a pack of disposables while he was healing.  It was so weird to use disposables, it felt completely wrong!

How was your August?  Do you remember a certain time when your child’s development took a leap?  Are you a fellow cloth diaperin’ mama who was forced to use disposables at some point?  Tell me about it!

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0 Responses

  1. Aw! He’s a cutie!! Honestly, I don’t remember much of August! lol!! We’ve been well, but it was a busy time and full of a lot of transition! Thankfully things are going much better for us (me) after this baby…

    1. I am so happy for you that you’re doing well this time! I’m at risk for PPD and even though I felt great after Kent it does make me nervous that it could be different with a different baby. I love seeing your pictures with all three boys.

  2. We use disposeable diapers at night because the type of cloth diaper we use isn’t up for the challenge. (L was the same way.) We also use them on vacations and when we’ll be out of the house for most of the day–but since that is rare…lol. Kent is starting to look like a little boy and not a baby. I’m waiting for M’s next growth spurt so his 12mo pants will fit ;-).

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