Popcorn in a cake pan with measuring cups = great fun!
Gross motor skills = climbing the flour bag and running across it.
We made homemade play dough. Kent tasted it.
I tried to show him how to cut the play dough. He was using a forking motion and picking it up instead.
He enjoyed smashing the pieces I cut up.
We also made homemade puffy paint.
We made yellow, red, and green. I put some of the yellow and red in a Ziploc bag and taped it to the window. I’ve heard other kids love to draw on it with their fingers. He hardly touched it. I think he had negative associations with it because he kept trying to rip it down when I was trying to tape it up and I wasn’t being very patient right then. Lesson learned.


This was the first time we actively played with stuffed animals. He really enjoyed it! He’s been trying to balance the horse on his firetruck and other toys all week.
We’ve been visiting the library regularly for several months now. We have now read their entire selection of board books, minus the ones that weren’t appealing to him or didn’t work for me. I’m starting to snap pictured of our favorites each week so I can remember without having to type them all out. The ones on the left were his favorites, the ones of the right were mine.  I apologize for it being sideways.
Reading with Daddy and Baxter.

We also colored his “Orange” page with crayons and played with his normal toys.

Next time we’ll talk about GREEN week! 🙂

What learning activities are happening in your house?



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