Kent’s Birthday Present
We have the perfect birthday present on order for Kent! His birthday isn’t until July but you know us, we like to plan ahead! The exact specifications are unavailable at this time, and despite having some pictures we’re told that the item may vary a bit from the description. The estimated arrival date is July […]
Tot School: St. Patrick’s Day week
Kent was 20 months old. As we’ve been growing in our faith I’ve started digging in to each holiday and trying to decipher whether or not it is worth celebrating. For us, St. Patrick’s Day is. We are not Catholic but the story of how St. Patrick spread the word of God is still an […]
Tot School: Brown
Kent was 20 months old. I spent a lot more time planning Brown week and it paid off. There was a bit of frustration on my part when he didn’t want to do some of the activities but I adjusted and we had fun. We did the matching cards a couple times. This was our […]
Tot School: Pink
Tot School: January (Purple and Color Review)
Kent was 18 months old. We kind of wandered through January. I tried to rotate the tot trays so that he had fun stuff to play with but I didn’t do a lot of planning or set any real goals. We spent some time on the color purple. At some point I realized that even […]
Tot School: December
Kent was 17 months old. Ha, the only pictures I have from December are these two. We made cloud dough. It was fun but I think he tried to dump it out and I lost my cool. We moved it to the bathtub and then the bathtub was greasy for a long time. We also […]
Tot School: November
Kent was 17 months old.