We kind of wandered through January. I tried to rotate the tot trays so that he had fun stuff to play with but I didn’t do a lot of planning or set any real goals. We spent some time on the color purple.
At some point I realized that even though we’d covered most of the colors I still wasn’t really sure if Kent knew and recognized them. There was a time when he would accurately point the “the red ball” or the “green tree” in his books, but other times that he would point to something else. So, we did some fun color review activities. After working through them I could tell that he did recognize most colors, with normal errors and confusion over similar colors. It’s just good to know where we’re at.
The idea here was to stuff the pom poms in to the matching shape. This was our first color review and he wasn’t really in to it.This was a big deal, it was one of the very first times I noticed him engaging in imaginative play and showing interest in his stuffed animals in a new way. He carried these two around for much of the day.Pouring beans between two pitchers. This activity was a permanent fixture on his shelf for months. He loves it. When we first started he could only pour once or twice before tiring out his hands and wrists, and he was pretty careless when the beans spilled. Now he can pour for a long time and he stops to pick up any escaped beans.Cleaning his table with a spray bottle and cloth. At first he wasn’t strong enough to spray with his hands so he would press the handle down on the table. Now he can hold the bottle with one hand and press the handle with the other.One to one correspondence: put one shape in each spot. He did this well but got bored with it.He took off with puzzles around this time and has mastered the chunky puzzles on his own.A fun way to review colors: just an oatmeal container with holes punched in the lid. I used markers to color around each hole and provided matching pipe cleaners.Just a fun, easy, fine motor activity: the net from the oranges spread out over the box and some wooden skewers for sticking through.More imaginative play. He was using the skid steer to clean out the barn, all on his own.A purple craft: feathers, construction paper, sequins, etc., sandwiched between 2 pieces of contact paper.
Where are you at with learning colors? What are your favorite color activities?