Kent was 20 months old.

I spent a lot more time planning Brown week and it paid off.  There was a bit of frustration on my part when he didn’t want to do some of the activities but I adjusted and we had fun.

Tot trays clockwise from top left: painting with "mud", Heads and Tails matching cards (Brown Bear Brown Bear theme), paper bag with stickers, pouring beans, color bin, and paper plate craft.
Tot trays clockwise from top left: painting with “mud”, Heads and Tails matching cards (Brown Bear Brown Bear theme), paper bag with stickers, pouring beans, color bin, and paper plate craft.
Making his tractor all muddy! First he colored it with Do-A-Dot markers.
Inspired by muddy pigs over at Twodaloo.
Inspired by muddy pigs over at Twodaloo.
We made avocado chocolate pudding (a favorite of ours) and Kent did the dishes.
We made avocado chocolate pudding (a favorite of ours) and Kent did the dishes.
I cut out a lot of brown objects from magazines and made them in to stickers with our Xyron Create-a-Sticker.  When he was done I cut eye holes in it and cut it up the sides so he could stick his arms through.  He didn't really want to wear it but we played peek-a-book through it and that was fun.
I cut out a lot of brown objects from magazines and made them in to stickers with our Xyron Create-a-Sticker machine. When he was done I cut eye holes in it and cut it up the sides so he could stick his arms through. He didn’t really want to wear it but we played peek-a-book through it and that was fun.
The highlight of the week, although I confess that we only did it once.  A "carwashing station" courtesy of You Are The Roots.
The highlight of the week, although I confess that we only did it once. A “carwashing station” courtesy of You Are The Roots.
Both grandmas saved their coffee grounds and I mixed them with cocoa powder to make the dirt.  Then, once they were nice and brown, he rinsed them in the soapy water and we set them on the rack to dry.  I explained that we were not to pour the dirt in to the water.  I forgot to say we don't pour the water in to the dirt...
Both grandmas saved their coffee grounds and I mixed them with cocoa powder to make the dirt. Then, once they were nice and brown, he rinsed them in the soapy water and we set them on the rack to dry. I explained that we were not to pour the dirt in to the water. I forgot to say we don’t pour the water in to the dirt…
It was fun anyway!
It was fun anyway!
Lots of favorite books this week.
Lots of favorite books this week.

We did the matching cards a couple times.  This was our first time using them so he didn’t quite “get it” enough to find both parts.  Instead, I laid them all out, already matched, and had him pick out the animals by name and then pick up both parts and put them in the pocket.  This worked well and was a good way to practice his language skills.

The yellow basket, aka color bin, was taken around the house and filled with random brown objects.  We have a coonskin cap from his Grandpa Larry and Kent enjoyed petting them and playing with it a little bit.

I’ll do a separate post of the paper plate craft.

This was by far our best week yet.  Stay tuned for our St. Patrick’s themed week which was even better.  What has been your favorite theme or activity when working with your children?

This post is linked to:
Tot School Gathering Place Week 10
Montessori Monday

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