Instead of doing our normal tot trays we did our own version of Resurrection Eggs to lead up to Easter Sunday.  We started on Palm Sunday.  For more details on these projects please see my post about Resurrection Eggs for Toddlers using The Beginner’s Bible.
After reading about Palm Sunday we walked his donkey (Eeyore) over leaves cut from felt.
After reading about Palm Sunday we walked his donkey (Eeyore) over leaves cut from felt.
Then we made a path all over the house with green clothes and walked the donkey (and ourselves!) over them.
Then we made a path all over the house with green clothes and walked the donkey (and ourselves!) over them.
I printed the black and white Triumphal Entry coloring page from here.  Kent used the felt leaves and a clothespin to paint it green.
I printed the black and white Triumphal Entry coloring page from here. Kent used the felt leaves and a clothespin to paint it green.
It turned out really cool because when the paint dried it acted like glue and held the leaves to the page - a totally unintended but fun extra!
It turned out really cool because when the paint dried it acted like glue and held the leaves to the page – a totally unintended but fun extra!
I didn't have anything else to represent perfume so we used a small plastic vial of eye drops.
I didn’t have anything else to represent perfume so we used a small plastic vial of eye drops.
I made these cards for him to smell from things we had around the house.
I made these cards for him to smell from things we had around the house.
Our cracker (bread) breaking was a bust.  It initiated a tantrum because he wanted to eat the crackers.
Our cracker (bread) breaking was a bust. It initiated a tantrum because he wanted to eat the crackers.
The silver coins activity was pretty cool.
The silver coins activity was pretty cool.
He had more fun sticking and unsticking the magnets than putting them on the sheet.
He had more fun sticking and unsticking the magnets than putting them on the sheet.
The tape resist project was probably my favorite.
The tape resist project was probably my favorite.
The effect was stunning!
The effect was stunning!
He liked the nailing activity and came back to it day after day.  He mostly put the nails in the same holes each time.
He liked the nailing activity and came back to it day after day. He mostly put the nails in the same holes each time.
The crown activity went over well.
The crown activity went over well.
I was surprised he actually wore it and was excited to show Daddy later.
I was surprised he actually wore it and was excited to show Daddy later.

The night before Easter we made Resurrection rolls.  This year we opted for the super easy recipe described here.   I even splurged and bought the pre-made dough.  He had fun helping with this and so did I (pretty impressive since it was almost 10 o’clock when we did it!).  They turned out delicious and perfect for a busy morning.

He got a modest Easter basket from us, and lots of goodies from his Grandmas.  From us: a couple of used books, a blue play silk, a palette shaped like a flower, and this set of garden tools.
He got a modest Easter basket from us: a couple of used books, a blue play silk, a palette shaped like a flower, and this set of garden tools.
His Grandmas spoiled him.  He got his first chocolate rabbit.  We waited for him to put it down and then tucked it away in the cabinet for later.  After awhile he became very upset and when we inquired he signed "rabbit" frantically.  Smart boy! ;)
His Grandmas spoiled him. He got his first chocolate rabbit. We waited for him to put it down and then tucked it away in the cabinet for later. After awhile he became very upset and when we inquired he signed “rabbit” frantically. Smart boy! 😉
I love this picture.  Look at those little hands.  <3
I love this picture. Look at those little hands. <3

I know Easter was awhile ago but I hope yours was blessed and full of happy memories, like ours.

This post is linked to Tot School Gathering: Week 14.

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