Kent was 20 months old.

Well… this will give me a chance to catch up on these posts.  We hardly did anything for gray week!  Or, maybe we did, but it’s all a blur and I didn’t take any pictures.  Brian was off work for awhile with a wrist problem and I think gray week fell on his first week home.  It was a hard adjustment for us (mostly me, I admit it!) but in the end we made a lot of good memories and were sad to have him go back to work.  We just didn’t make any memories about the color gray, apparently.

I was able to snap a couple pictures of some materials we used, and I can share some of the projects I’d had in mind…

He colored his gray bingo marker page.  We color one of these every week to introduce each new color.
He colored his gray bingo marker page. We color one of these every week to introduce each new color.
We learned the ASL sign for dolphin with this flashcard from  He played a lot with a blue play silk (water) and toy dophins from his toob.
We learned the ASL sign for dolphin with this flashcard from He played a lot with a blue play silk (water) and toy dophins from his toob.
We did a little matching with these flashcards. He wasn’t really in to it.

I think we had some elephant books from the library but, alas, no pictures of those either.  We used his Melissa & Doug Safari animals puzzle as our puzzle of the week.

Other ideas I had in mind that didn’t come to fruit this time:

What’s your best idea for a “gray” activity?


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