… I finished these burp cloths. 🙂

I made 20, 4 of each pattern.  They are sewn with flat diapers and a little bit of flannel for decoration.  I followed this tutorial on YouTube.  We used white prefolds for Kent but he has been using them to wipe up spills on the floor for the last year so I wanted something fresh.

Burp cloths were way more essential last time than I ever would have guessed.  I was very blessed to have a good milk supply and we went through a lot of soaked cloths!  This time I am prepared.  I have 4 flat diapers left so I’m going to treat myself to a bit more flannel in a fun design.  A quarter of a yard is enough for 4 cloths, and at 50% off (if the sale is still on) that’s a whopping $0.82 total.  I’m prepared with an extra dollar in case the sale is over. 😉

I’ll probably be posting more projects to keep my mind off of all this waiting I’m doing!


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0 Responses

  1. So cute! I agree – burp cloths are SO essential. If we are blessed with another, I plan to sew up more. I made… I think 10 or 12 (I can’t remember now) and I had some as hand-me-downs, but I don’t think we have enough. Well, we can make do with what we have, but more would be nice 🙂 I LOVE the circle design fabric – it matches the fabric I used to make Bug’s receiving blankets! (Which I made 5 of those, plus we received several as hand-me-downs AND I bought a ton at garage sales for 50 cents to $1 and if we have another, I plan to buy/make more of those too).

    Praying for you and baby boy!!! I hope to hear news soon 🙂 And I’m sure you hope to share news soon!

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