Clockwise from top left: playdough bin, paper and star stickers, sweeping activity, stacking pegs, puzzle, Lincoln logs.
Clockwise from top left: playdough bin, paper and star stickers, sweeping activity, stacking pegs, puzzle, Lincoln logs.
Sweeping activity: star shaped buttons and taped star.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to make a star out of tape!?
Sweeping activity: star shaped buttons and taped star. Do you have any idea how hard it is to make a star out of tape!?
The puzzle tray was replaced with a containers and lids activity after I took the picture.
The puzzle tray was replaced with a containers and lids activity after I took the picture.  Like his nice bruise?  He had a disagreement with a feed trough in the barn.
He did really well and learned to remove and replace the two piece canning lids.  Of course it was fun to see what other pieces fit together.
He did really well and learned to remove and replace the two piece canning lids. Of course it was fun to see what other pieces fit together.
He had fun painting these birthday cards for our July group.
He had fun painting these birthday cards for our July group.
This wasn't on a tray but he found a bag of pom poms so I got out his melon baller and tongs.
This wasn’t on a tray but he found a bag of pom poms so I got out his melon baller and tongs.
Montessori theory is so accurate: he is definitely interested in transferring activities!
Montessori theory is so accurate: he is definitely interested in transferring activities!

We learned the ASL signs for star, moon, and yellow. We did “circle time” for the first time and he LOVED it! More on that later. I hung a couple more hooks in the kitchen within his reach so he has a place to put his bib if it’s clean enough to use again.

This post is linked to:  Tot School Gathering Place

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0 Responses

    1. I’ll have to post some links for you! In general I know the focus at this age is on practical life activities and that has held true here. He was fascinated with pouring for a long time and is now constantly wanting to do transferring.

    1. I cut a sponge in to a star shape for him to use. I normally wouldn’t mess with his art but this time when he was done I did dab stars on the ones that didn’t show a definite shape, just so the writing would make sense. I taped the cards down in a cake pan so they wouldn’t slide around and get stuck together. 🙂

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