Since becoming aware that clipping was difficult for Kent I have been on the lookout for new ways to strengthen his little hand muscles. These little squirt bottles turned out to be a great way to do just that. I bought mine from the vet clinic but similar ones are available on Amazon.

I let him pick the colors and filled each bottle with liquid watercolor diluted with water. Then I placed two coffee filters on an old towel in a cake pan.


He caught on right away and went to work.


It was great to see his little hand muscles flexing. I have never before seen him so engaged in an art project!


He systematically emptied each bottle and then requested to do it all over again. I moved the coffee filters to some newspaper for drying.


We gave them out as decorations. An older child could cut them in the shapes, or I could have cut them in small pieces and had him make contact paper art!

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