I love seeing Kent use his imagination and I’m fascinated with all the small world play ideas on the web. I have been trying harder to facilitate his imaginative play. Recently one of our tot trays was a square made out of Lincoln logs. For rectangle week I added some longer logs and horses from his Safari Ltd. toob. We used the log rectangle as a paddock for the horses to jump in and out of.
First he lined the horses up outside the pen.
First he lined the horses up outside the pen.
Then they all piled inside.
Then they all piled inside.
Then he herded them all in to the corner.
Then he herded them all in to the corner.
One particularly adventurous horse jumped in and out of a ring a few times.
One particularly adventurous horse jumped in and out of a ring a few times.
He told me these two were hugging.  I didn't catch a picture but he always had one of the "baby" horses "nursing" from it's "mama" several times.  He knows how things work!
He told me these two were hugging. I didn’t catch a picture but he also had one of the “baby” horses “eat” (nurse) from it’s “mama” several times. He knows how things work!
Then a couple horses went sightseeing!
Then a couple horses went sightseeing!

Now for the part about keeping it real… I wonder sometimes if people think we have a perfect, strict schooling routine. Let me assure you that “tot school” is very much a fly by the seat of our pants operation on most days. Here’s what happened when the phone rang during our play session…

He took a glass of milk from his table and poured it in the jar with his horses.  Then he drank it!  I caught him in the act.
He took a glass of milk from his table and poured it in the jar with his horses. Then he drank it! I caught him in the act.
I tried to keep a good attitude by turning it in to a scrubbing activity in the sink.
I tried to keep a good attitude by turning it in to a scrubbing activity in the sink.
He enjoyed the change.
He enjoyed the change.
While he was working I tried to multitask and change the needle in my sewing machine.  As I was distracted with reminding him to keep the water in the sink I dropped the needle down in to the machine.  I had to get a screwdriver and take pieces off to get it out.
While he was working I tried to multitask and change the needle in my sewing machine. As I was distracted with reminding him to keep the water in the sink I dropped the needle down in to the machine. I had to get a screwdriver and take pieces off to get it out.

So you see, nothing perfect here! We have fun though! 😉

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