I wanted to mount a low horizontal mirror on the wall for Colt. It was a lot trickier than all the pictures online make it look. If you pay attention, most people mount it above the trim. However, laying flat on the floor and trying to look in it, I couldn’t see myself. So, Colt wouldn’t have been able to see either. I built a frame to bring the mirror flush with the trim so I could mount it even with the bottom of the mattress.The mattress and mirror are from IKEA. The mirror is glass but has a safety coating to prevent a mess of dangerous pieces if it breaks.We read the Pumpkin Patch Parable and played with pumpkin guts. I’m still not sure how I feel about Jack O’ Lanterns. I like that the parable book turned it in to something positive, but the origins are still unsettling, from what I’ve read.He LOVED this activity and asked for pumpkin for a long time afterward.Library selections. He learned that “God Made Me”.We decorated this picture for a bank contest. He requested the hat.
We managed to get a good picture of us just in time for Christmas cards.