Someone can move! He doesn’t crawl, but he sure rolls and twists and pulls.A transferring/sorting tray with pouch tops.Chalks with a heart stencil.Colored vinegar with baking soda. Fun, but it only lasted about 30 seconds and then I had to fill them again.This was part of the Valentine Vehicles Preschool Pack from Trillium Montessori. I’ve never done many printables but he really enjoyed this pack.We made all of our Valentine’s with the stencil.“Is It Kind?” cards from the pack. What a great idea!Land, Water, and Air sorting from the same pack. I think I see more printables in our future.I love finding things like this.Barn time!Thank you for the Valentine’s Day card Grandma! – Love ColtI had these sticks around from a project and Kent put 2 together and said he made a “K”! So I made his name.Puzzles! He’s doing 60 pieces ones alone. This must be part of a sensitive period. I’m amazed!It’s all fun and games… until baby falls and bruises his cheek on the shape house. 🙁You know you’ve had a really bad winter when your 2 year old gets the calf medicine out of the fridge and correctly pronounces the word Penicillin as he treats his sick calf. 🙁
How did you fair this winter? I am DONE with winter, DONE I say! It was rough.