Kent was 30 months old, Colt was 6 months old.
I started reading again.  I haven't had much time for reading since Kent was born, or so I thought.  I made a checklist to help me get through one book in 30 days, and now I'm reading voraciously again.
I started reading again. I haven’t had much time for reading since Kent was born, or so I thought. I made a checklist to help me get through one book in 30 days, and it got me reading voraciously again.
This is a Melissa & Doug sticker set with food stickers and placemats.  Kent thinks it is a lot of fun.
This is a Melissa & Doug sticker set with food stickers and placemats. Kent thinks it is a lot of fun.
We learned that Jesus' earthly father, Joseph, was a carpenter.  Nails in stryrofoam is always a win.
We learned that Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph, was a carpenter. Nails (or screws) in stryrofoam is always a win.
Then we made a collage with wood: toothpicks and Popsicle sticks.
Then we made a collage with wood: toothpicks and Popsicle sticks.
This book, Black and White with Tana Hoban, was fun for Kent to set up and Colt still liked looking at it.
This book, Black and White with Tana Hoban, was fun for Kent to set up and Colt still liked looking at it.
Kent played with some leftover clay from our Christmas project.  It requires more hand strength than playdough.
Kent played with some leftover clay from our Christmas project. It requires more hand strength than playdough.
I made him a fun sensory bin with "snow", shaving cream, and our Arctic Toob.  I think the snow was hair conditioner and baking soda.
I made him a fun sensory bin with “snow”, shaving cream, and our Arctic Toob. I think the snow was hair conditioner and baking soda.
His grandparents gifted him with a subscription to the Highlights magazine for preschoolers.  He cut the book out himself and I helped him staple it.
His grandparents gifted him with a subscription to the Highlights magazine for preschoolers. He cut the book out himself and I helped him staple it.
I got him the Gakken Let's Create workbook for Christmas.  It gets excellent reviews.  I didn't think a workbook would be a big hit with him but it is his favorite part of school now.
I got him the Gakken Let’s Create workbook for Christmas. It gets excellent reviews. I didn’t think a workbook would be a big hit with him but it is his favorite part of school now.  I paid $10 and if they become available again I’m going to buy one for Colt.  It was a great value considering the thick, full color pages and stickers.
He's been very interested in any of the trays I put together, but he still occasionally goes for a pouring activity.
He hasn’t been very interested in any of the trays I put together, but he still occasionally goes for a pouring activity.
He wanted to wear his deer in a wrap, "like Brudder."
He wanted to wear his deer in a wrap, “like Brudder.”
I was really happy with how this picture turned out.  I had it printed as an 11x14 and put it on our mantle.
I was really happy with how this picture turned out. I had it printed as an 11×14 and put it on our mantle.
Kent's imagination is alive and well!  Someone's boots left a puddle of water in the entryway, and there was some corn spilled on the steps.  So, Kent gathered up the corn and a cow and let her drink from the puddle.
Kent’s imagination is alive and well! Someone’s boots left a puddle of water in the entryway, and there was some corn spilled on the steps. So, Kent gathered up the corn and a cow and let her drink from the puddle.  I found it later.
I'm not sure if this was the first time I set Colt upright with the Boppy... it's the first picture I found with him sitting.
I’m not sure if this was the first time I set Colt upright with the Boppy… it’s the first picture I found with him sitting.
This was a gift that came in an activity swap.  He doesn't use the numbers to help him yet.  This was at the start of his obsession with puzzles.
This was a gift that came in an activity swap. He doesn’t use the numbers to help him yet. This was at the start of his obsession with puzzles.

Practical life: He made his own PB&J.
Practical life: He made his own PB&J.

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