I guess we’ll call this one to one correspondence practice. I left him alone with baby carrots and the magnadoodle…Bear cave craftIt’s just coincidence that he made a “b”. He was making a truck.Our Bible story for “Bb” was Jesus Heals a Blind Man.We’re using Kinderbach this year and he loves it! We’re learning together.We’re doing a preschool co-op group every other week. It’s fun and all the kids seem to like the change of pace.Colt having snack at co-op.We didn’t get the book “We’re Going A Bear Hunt” so we watched a reading of it on YouTube. Then I surprised them and set up a bear hunt in our backyard. Here they are in the bear cave at the end. The bears were our Safari Ltd. bears and hid in the leaves.
He was oblivious to me when I took this. I thought it was so cute, just “reading” the box before breakfast.