The boys got these Eric Carle stacking blocks for their birthday. They are pretty durable and stack well!Coconut counting cards from a free Chicka Chicka Boom Boom printable pack.He wants to write his name so I make dots to guide him.I’m interested to see if I regret the dots later. It seems like a nice transition from tracing.Colt usually has playpen time while we do work on the floor. He’s transitioning away from a morning nap so he enjoys that quiet time to rest. On this day he fell asleep leaning on the side.Coloring the things that start with Cc.A friend gave us this cool book that has animals with thick black outlines and rounded corners for easy cutting.He was really, really proud of himself.I’ve never put away our kitchen setup. Surprisingly, Colt likes to stack the bowls and rearrange things but has never pulled the whole thing down on the floor.Transferring pom poms, one to one correspondence.I made up a scavenger hunt with Cc words. Here we were looking for a Crawling bug.We had a lot of fun.Our assistant happily munched a pear while we checked things off our list.I bought a box of alpha-bits cereal and let them have it occasionally for a snack.At co-op we painted with cars.Hmm… paint is non-toxic, right? 😉Both boys loved it.We read many books, including a lot of Cc books from the library and from the Sonlight P3/4 list.
We ended with our last trip to the zoo for the year.
Everything looks so cool! Great job! Where did you find the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom cards. My kids love the book and they are good with letter identification but we are now realizing the number identification is weak.
Everything looks so cool! Great job! Where did you find the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom cards. My kids love the book and they are good with letter identification but we are now realizing the number identification is weak.