Huge Montessori Materials Haul Unboxing for Homeschooling – Montessori Monday

We placed a large order for Montessori materials from Adena Montessori. Watch us unbox it all and judge the quality close up for yourself…
Country View Bulk Foods Large Family Grocery Haul – Outdated? Expired? Do they have… ?

We did a grocery haul for our large family of 8 from Country View Bulk Foods in Snover, MI. I show you what we got an answer some questions about whether everything is outdated, what they carry, etc.
Little Britches Rodeo VLOG – October 2018

Our boys compete at Little Britches rodeos…
20+ Tools to Teach the Alphabet: Letter P

I was invited to collaborate with an awesome group of homeschooling mamas to bring you ideas for studying each letter of the alphabet…