I have a very simple challenge for you in 2010. Visit your local library, pick up a copy of The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, and read it once from start to finish. That’s it. The whole challenge would take you only a day if you’re stuck inside. Or, spread it out over a month. Or if you really want to drag it out read one chapter each month. There are 13 chapters and the last one is the best so by the time you get there you’ll want to keep reading.
I know some of you think I’m crazy, obsessed, guilty of joining a cult. Maybe I am. Irregardless, we’re on our way out of debt. We’re doing it, and we’re doing it while cash flowing the farm and riding the roller coaster of owning our own business. We don’t have fabulous incomes. In other words, if we can do it, so can you. I have no doubt that we’re going to be rockin’ financially in a few more years, and I like you all so much that I want you to get there too.
If you still think I’m crazy, don’t take my word for it. We’re not the only ones doing it. Mr. and Mrs. Not the Jet Set are enjoying financial peace. Jennifer over at This & That Homestead has worked the plan. Phoebe blogs about her money makeover all the time at Cents To Get Debt-Free. Us and all our friends are jumping off the cliff so yes, I think you should jump too.
Maybe you’ll read the book and decide it is not for you. That’s fine. At least I encouraged you to try and you gave it a shot. That’s all I’m asking. I’m serious… read. the. book. this year! Now back to regular, no pressure programming.
Just a disclaimer for you – I’m definitely not being compensated to push this challenge on you. I don’t get any deals, money, etc. I just feel that strongly about it. BTW, I just thought of this: if you’re married reading this book might be the most romantic thing you do all year. There’s nothing sexier than being on the same page with your spouse about your money, and therefore, your dreams. 🙂
Great challenge! 🙂 Dave’s plan is definitely one of the best things that has ever happened to us. I hope others will find success through his plan too!
OK, you’re on! I’ll get it from the library.
Yay! Hope you like it!