My Mom was nice enough to drive out for a visit on Sunday. We spent the day sewing a new scrub top for me. I bought the pattern and the fabric a while ago but wasn’t sure how to cut out the pieces. I have made curtains and even pajamas but this top was by far the hardest thing yet. My Mom is an excellent seamstress. She even made my bridesmaids’ dresses for the wedding so I knew this top would be a breeze for her. It turned out pretty good. Thanks Mom!

Today is the start of my new work schedule. I only have to work Tuesday – Friday this summer. Yay! That means more free time for all the projects around here. I wanted to spend this first day off out in the garden finishing the planting (expect an update soon). However, Mother Nature decided rain/storms sounded good today. I actually planned ahead and went to Jo-Ann Fabrics yesterday to stock up on supplies for today. On the agenda: cut out a second scrub top and work on curtains for the living room. Those who follow the Git ‘Er Done posts will appreciate that once curtains are done the living room will be finished besides rewiring!

I have a couple other things up my sleeve for today as well so if I get that far I’ll let you know. I’ve had a sore throat since about 10:30 PM last night so I’m going to take it easy and see how things go. I’ve taken some vitamins and will fight my urge to garden in the rain. How are you spending your day? Is it raining? Do you sew much? Any sewing projects you recommend?

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0 Responses

  1. Somehow I missed this one too! Great scrub top! I'll need a couple sets of scrubs for my new job, so I have been trying to decide if I want to pick some up checp at a garage sale or make some. I have so much other stuff to do I'll probably go the garage sale route. Right now I am finishing sewing up the *gasp* homemade pads. I can't even bring myself to post publically about them on my blog. 🙂 I am such a woosy. I did sew a pocket on the apron I made over the winter. Why I made it sans pocket I will never know, but it is much better now. And my garden apron, and a matching one for my little one…they are waist aprons and pretty much ALL pocket and mine are full all the time. I wear it A LOT. 🙂

  2. Yeah, to be quite honest that scrub top cost more to make than to buy. I will only make them from now on if I can get the fabric super cheap. I have a lot of print ones and am actually leaning towards getting all navy and/or hunter green, or at least all solids. I've been feeling kind of unprofessional lately with all the wild scrubs. That mood at the vet clinic is more laid back, of course, but I'd still like to look good enough to work at a hospital.
    You should definitely post about the pads! I bet a lot of people would be interested. At work we were talking about having kids and how you can only use pads right after. That makes me not want to have kids!! Lol. I only use the Diva cup now and don't ever, ever want to use anything else but I guess I would use the homemade ones if we ever do have kids.
    Your garden apron sounds awesome. I would like to make a kitchen apron for myself, you know, in my spare time.

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