Because I just can’t get enough of this room…
L to R: bin for stain treating, bin for mending, place for extra hangers
my dresser made a move down there too... no more hauling everything upstairs! The bin on top is from IKEA and holds stuff that needs to go upstairs.
this retro table came as a family hand-me-down. It is perfect for folding and sorting clothes and the basekts fit nicely underneath!
close up of the ironing board cover. My Mom bought it for me years ago - and it matches!
these bins have a story of their own: i looked at a few different stores and balked at the price. Then, i found these at Wal-mart. The lids were missing so i asked for a discount and got 1/2 off. I didn't need the lids anyway and - and, they match!! 😀

What kind of home decor deals have you found?  Re-purposed anything cool lately?  I’d love to hear about it.

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