This was saved in my drafts so I’m posting it to get it out of there.

Here’s a bit more information to help you if you’re contemplating a similar project:

A final word of advice on creating a family laundry area…approve it with your family first.  In my defense, I did explain the idea to Brian well in advance.  Unfortunately he did the “nod and smile” but later admitted he didn’t think I would every get around to actually doing it.  He was a little put off when I emptied out his bedroom closet. 🙂


Dea-chan asked (I think it was you!) about how functional the room actually is now that I’ve been using it for awhile.  Answer: it’s great!  There are a couple little things that still need attention such as I need a trash can and I still need post it notes and safety pins to keep track of what needs mending on certain pieces of clothing.  One unexpected but very convenient perk is that there is lots of room to hang clothes to dry.  I have clothes lines on each side of the basement but I can usually fit two loads worth right in the laundry area.  There is that old curtain rod, the laundry tub, the ironing boarding, and various nails in the ceiling that all work wonderfully for this.  It is SO convenient!  I love it!


If you have any other specific questions let me know!


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0 Responses

  1. Oh I am so jealous of all of the clothes hanging room! My current apartment is so damn small… 😛

    That’s funny about how Brian never thought it would happen — have there been projects in the past that petered out? Or did he just assume that it WOULD be one of them? Or just not notice the problem that existed! (My guy would go under all of those categories usually…)

    I forget — do you get dressed down there as well? Does it get cold?

  2. Haha, I think he stuck in the category of things like “I want to make that far corner of the basement in to a root cellar” and “Someday I AM getting a milk cow”. Poor guy, he doesn’t realize I’m serious about both of those too! ;D

    The “plan” was/is to bring up our clothes for each week on Sunday night. I do that sometimes but if not I grab my clothes and bring them up since I’m down there doing laundry anyway. Brian still has a dresser upstairs so he keeps a fair bit of clothing upstairs – he picks what he wants and brings it up on his own.

    The basement is actually the warmest part of the house because the corn stove is down there. Thus it being a dream place to dry clothing all winter long.

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