Remember awhile back when I posted this post claiming I would post every day for November?  And then, not long after that, I’m sure you remember how my resolve fizzled and this blog once again became neglected and quiet.  Well, my friends, I was not just slacking in my typical way.  I had a really GREAT excuse!!

Literally minutes after hitting “publish” on that post my life changed in a big way…

My mind and my time during the month of November were quickly overcome with appointments, lab work, and thoughts of a baby to be.  We had been trying to conceive for only 2 months and I was paranoid that it was going to take us a long time.  I was pleasantly surprised that it happened so soon!  We were well in to December before I started to think much about anything else again.  By then, I was having a short period of nausea and generally feeling lousy.  Thank God that passed quickly and since I’ve felt pretty good!  We’re coming up on the 12 week mark this Thursday and so far all is going well.  I’ll be bopping in and out of here but this time – no promises! 🙂

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0 Responses

  1. Woohoo, so happy for you, Jena! As I said on FB, I don’t think I could be any more happy if you were my own daughter! Your Mom (and hubby, of course!) must be over the moon with excitement!

    Please keep us posted, but remember, YOU and BABY come first! No pressure here!


  2. OMGosh!!! Congrats!! Take care and have a healthy pregnancy I will be keeping tags on you!! I’m so happy for you!

  3. Congratulations! How exciting that you are expecting 🙂 I swing by your blog every so often but have never commented. I figured that this was such big news that I had to say congrats!

  4. Wow!!! I dropped by to see what was up–and apparently PLENTY is up. Congratulations!! Here’s to a wonderful 2011 and a healthy and happy pregnancy.

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