Kent was 39 months old.  Colt was 15 months old.

Dolphin puzzles from Memorizing the Moments.
Dolphin puzzles from Memorizing the Moments.
Tracing a page from a free Make Way for Ducklings page.  We read the story; it's on our Sonlight P 3/4 reading list.
Tracing a page from a free Make Way for Ducklings page. We read the story; it’s on our Sonlight P 3/4 reading list.
Gluing cotton balls on a dot page.  Later, I gave him a medicine dropper and blue water to put on the cotton balls.
Gluing cotton balls on a dot page. Later, I gave him a medicine dropper and blue water to put on the cotton balls.


Colt was in his high chair at the table with us during this time.  I gave him a cotton ball.  He pulled it apart... and then ate it.
Colt was in his high chair at the table with us during this time. I gave him a cotton ball. He pulled it apart… and then ate it.
Sorting real and pretend ducks, from the same pack.
Sorting real and pretend ducks, from the same pack.
Doing a puzzle with Grandma.
Doing a dog puzzle with Grandma.
Practical life, cleaning up our popcorn snack.
Practical life, cleaning up our popcorn snack.  He still struggles with sweeping.  I remind him to pull the food to the pan instead of pushing it.
I got this marble track at Goodwill a long time ago.  He loves it!  It has a permanent spot on the kitchen table.  He's allowed to play with it during meals; it seems to satisfy his need to move and keep him at the table longer.
I got this marble track at Goodwill a long time ago. He loves it! It has a permanent spot on the kitchen table. He’s allowed to play with it during meals; it seems to satisfy his need to move and keep him at the table longer.
He's mesmerized.
He’s mesmerized.
I brought the rocking horse down from the attic and Colt learned to ride.  Giddy up boy!
I brought the rocking horse down from the attic and Colt learned to ride. Giddy up boy!
Kent got sick during our two Dd weeks.  I can still wrap him on my back pretty comfortably.  This is a gauze wrap from Babyette on Etsy.
Kent got sick during our two Dd weeks. I can still wrap him on my back pretty comfortably. This is a gauze wrap from Babyette on Etsy.
We labeled the people that start with Dd on our family photo wall.
We labeled the people that start with Dd on our family photo wall.
I am very happy with our choice of Sonlight so far.  "School" is easy when it means cuddling in the chair with my boys all day and reading great books.
I am very happy with our choice of Sonlight so far. “School” is easy when it means cuddling in the chair with my boys all day and reading great books.
"Caps For Sale" is one of Kent's favorites so far.
“Caps For Sale” is one of Kent’s favorites so far.

Do you use Sonlight?  What’s your favorite part?

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0 Responses

  1. Babyette wraps are the best – my three-year-old also likes to ride in one. 🙂
    I really love the idea of a marble track on the dining table. It’s so hard for the little ones to sit still while they chew, it seems…. We’ve come up with series of clapping games to do when he starts fidgeting – either hubby or I starts clapping, and J follows along until his next bite. 🙂

    1. Ha, yes, I’m so glad you shared about wearing J! I don’t think I would have tried. I think that was before I figured out the double hammock wrap, too, which made a huge difference in comfort. (At least I think that’s what it’s called, the way I do it now.)
      The marble track definitely works. He stays at the table a lot longer now and it has helped with the constant complaints of “I’m hungry”. Of course he’s hungry when he only eats 2 bites then runs off. 😉

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