No real great content here, just checking in. I’ve had a very enjoyable weekend with 4 days off in a row. The only downside was that Brian was gone hunting in the U.P. but I did get in lots of quality time with the dogs. Today the 3 of them plus me and the cat all crashed out on the couch for a long nap. All I had to do was make the 20 ft. walk out the back door and gather the chicken eggs. The sheep and chickens are pretty easy to take care of this time of year, just have to refill the feeders and waterers every couple days.

I’ve started looking in to our options for rebuilding the barn, including hoophouse type structures. I’ll be sharing what we learn about their pros and cons here, plus I just finished You Can Farm by Joel Salatin and started Keeping a Family Cow, so there should be some book reviews coming soon.

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend! 🙂

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0 Responses

  1. Jena,I’m so sorry to hear about your tragedy!! I was out of town and away from my blog, but Joyce was kind enough to leave a note in my comments alerting me to your situation! If there’s anything a suburban girl can do to help, let me know!! My thoughts are with you and I am so glad you and your doggies are safe! I assume the good boys (or girls) got an extra treat in their dish for alerting you to the fire. Be well

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