Hopefully this will be about as typical of a Saturday as we have around here so I thought I’d share “a day in the life”.

7 AM: Brian’s up, I say, “Are you staying up already?”. Dumb question!

7:15 AM: I’m up now too. Might as well start a loaf of bread. After over a year of trying to use our local whole wheat flour I’ve finally figured out how to turn out decent loaves of bread! I use Phoebe’s favorite recipe and let my breadmaker do the mixing, kneading, and rising. I think I was overkneading and adding way too much flour when I was doing it by hand.

7:20 AM: I stare at the bathroom cabinet and contemplate how hard it will be to refinish it. Brian took the doors and drawers off awhile ago and I’ve been slowly taking the paint off them. Ugg. I’ll think about this later! How about some blog reading instead…

8 AM: Time to do something useful. I take the huge stock pot of out the fridge and put it on the stove. It is half full of applesauce all ready to can, it just needs to be brought back to a boil. The canner goes on the other burner. I empty apple slices out of their bowl of lemon juice/water and put those in a smaller pot to cook down. Then I head down to the basement, switch the laundry, and dig out another batch of canning jars.

8:30 AM: Homemade oatmeal cookie dough for breakfast. Hey, oatmeal is healthy, right!? Brian’s back home with a friend’s dump truck. He’s going to clean up the disaster area aka our backyard. More on that later. 😛

9 AM: Dancing with the puppy in the kitchen to Chris Cagle’s Play it Loud.

9:30 AM: Brian asked me to help load up the truck with old cement blocks. I put the applesauce in jars and put them in the canner. The breadmaker beeped in the middle of that so I plopped out the dough, rolled it a few times, folded it in thirds, folded the ends under and tucked it in a buttered loaf pan. I set the pan on a heating pad set to medium and covered it with a flour sack towel. In goes another batch of dough for the breadmaker to work on. By the time I got my Carhartt’s on and got outside I had time to help with the last loader bucket full before the truck was full…and he probably thinks I was trying to get out of work! 😉

1 PM: Back in the house and out of my Carhartt’s. Nearly all of the cement blocks are gone! My second loaf of bread is in the oven and 8 quarts and 1 pint of applesauce are cooling on the counter. Time to peel more apples!

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