Still here… kind of taking it easy since having a four day weekend for the holiday. Mentally, though, my gears are turning with thoughts of the new year. I’m caught up in a nice fiction book but am also reading Guerrilla Marketing. So far, so good. Oh, and I’m working on a few more knitting projects to give as Christmas gifts.

Also happening on the home front:

Time for bed! 🙂

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    1. We’ve been selling some custom freezer beef. Last summer we raised 100 of the Colored Ranger meat chickens to see how well they would sell. We were thrilled with the birds and could have sold more. This year I’m planning to at least double the amount of birds and split them in to different batches so we can get target weights more easily. I want to start taking orders earlier so I know how much demand there is. Then, we raised a few turkeys last year as an experiment. I think we’re ready to raise a batch for customers this next year. Plus, we’ll have more lambs this year and will offer some of those for sale by the whole or half. So far most of our business has been done through friends and relatives and people they know. It seems like there is an untapped market for these types of products in our area. Especially the chickens. It is very exciting! 🙂 So this year I want to get really serious about marketing and putting ourselves out there. I was very hesitant to do that until I had some customer feedback. We haven’t had any complaints and the people who have been getting meat from us are asking for more so it’s time to take the next step. I guess I should post more about all this, eh?

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