Freezer Cooking: Twin Meat Loaves…

This recipe comes from Farm Journal’s Country Cookbook. I got my copy from my Grandma’s basement and I love it. It really is appropriate for the way we are trying to live and generally avoids “add in seasoning packet” or “3 cups Bisquick”.

Onion Confusion…

So, apparently I’ve been having a blond moment for the last several weeks now. I’ve been excited to collect seed from whatever garden plants I can. My onions sent up nice big flowers that now have thousands of seeds in them. I thought great, yippee, I get to save some onion seed. Ummm, no.

Building An Eggmobile: Part 2…

We went with a chicken wire front here for ventilation with intentions of a roll down tarp to cover the front if needed. The door is split with a small door at the bottom. This was easier than making separate little doors for the chickens.

Building An Eggmobile: Part 1…

This weekend we began building our eggmobile. The intention is to use it for our laying flock during the warmer months, in conjunction with an electric poultry net. I told Brian to pretend it was a fun project. He was not convinced! 😉

County Fair Fun!…

These pictures aren’t the greatest but I wanted to share all the fun things that happened last week at our county fair!

A Year’s Worth of Strawberries…

We met at our favorite berry farm just after 8 AM and started picking. 30 pounds of strawberries later we headed for home. My Mom hulled all those berries while my sister and I went to Meijer for more pectin.

#09 is Trouble!…

Things are all under control now, but we had a not so fun experience with this calf last weekend. It was time get them out of their little pen inside and out on the green pasture. We worked on the fence for 2 days to get things fixed up for them.

A Twinge of Self-Sufficiency…

I like to play this game where I try to stock up enough food and staples that I don’t have to go grocery shopping for a long time. After a lot of practice I…

Brian’s Project: A Tractor Post…

“So… since you’re always looking for interesting pictures for your blog, you should come outside and bring your camera” says my husband when I arrived home last night.

Fake Mums? Realistic Looking Fall Flowers

In keeping with my farm girl lifestyle, I grow food. I’m a decent gardener… but I only grow things I can eat! I’m pretty clueless about flowers. My mama tried, but I just haven’t had much free time in my adult life (can’t imagine why!?) and growing pretty things hasn’t been a priority. I have […]