2011 Garden: Seed Order

Amish Paste $2.50 Big Month $1.75 Roma $1.75 Rutgers $2.00 Sugar Snap Snow Peas $2.50 Golden Bantam 12-row Corn $3.00 All ordered from rareseeds.com, just like every other year.  $3.00 shipping.  I’m pretty sure this is my smallest seed order since we’ve lived here.  Hopefully, I’ll keep good enough records this year that I can […]

2011 Garden: Seed Stash

I skipping the fluff and going for the basics that will save the most $$$ on groceries.  This means tomatoes, potatoes, corn, cucumbers, carrots, and onions.  I’m also planning to do some peas and beans.  Even though they’re cheap to buy they’re easy to grow and I enjoy fresh peas in the pod.  If we […]

20 week appointment

I really don’t mean for this to turn in to a pregnancy journal.  It just seems like this is the stuff that is so important to remember that I can’t skip it.  It has turned in to a great way to keep my family and friends up to date on baby stuff.  If you’re one […]

Ultrasound Pics

We had our ultrasound on Feb. 16th.  It was awesome!  I’ll save the more intimate shots but let’s just say that as soon as the tech turned the camera on there was no doubt about it… Baby Becker is a boy!! He’s a thinker… and is very healthy and strong.  Everything checked out great! We […]

16 week appointment

January 26th was our 16 week appt. I’m was exactly 16 week.  I met the OB for the first time. He was running so far behind and was in a hurry but he did take the time make sure all my questions were answered. He wasn’t too concerned with exercise and cleared me to start […]

12 week appointment

Yesterday we went to our 12 week appointment for the baby.  Brian went with me to this one.  It was our first appointment with the nurse practitioner and seemed important enough for him to go.  She talked a bit about the different testing and screenings available.  She did an exam and then we listened to […]

My First Quilt

I started my first quilt this summer with help from my Mom.  It was a LOT easier than I thought.  I chose a basic design called the Disappearing Nine Patch. The fabric I used all has a special meaning: Blue – from our bridesmaids’ dresses, Brown – leftover from the curtains in our house, Tan […]

Laundry Area Makeover Pt. 4: Specifics

This was saved in my drafts so I’m posting it to get it out of there. Here’s a bit more information to help you if you’re contemplating a similar project: The floor tiles are reversible foam tiles like these ones.  I think they are the same brand.  I got mine at Menard’s.  They are supposedly […]

Mini Rice Bags

These little bags make great reusable hand warmers to tuck in winter coat pockets.  A few seconds in the microwave and they’ll toast right up.  Any type of little fabric bag will work but I couldn’t find a good tutorial explaining how to make them look nicer.  I’ve done all thinking for you, just follow […]

Menu Plan Monday

This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday. I have to jump back in to this!  I haven’t cooked much in ages because I didn’t feel good and then we’ve had a ton of leftovers.  My poor husband! M – Herbed Chicken & Brown Rice* T – Hamburger* with Cream of Mushroom Soup on toast […]