Tot School: Green
Kent was around 16 months old.
Tot School: Orange
We also colored his “Orange” page with crayons and played with his normal toys. Next time we’ll talk about GREEN week! 🙂 What learning activities are happening in your house?
Casual Saturday: Rambings About Our House, etc.
This has been a good week. I am finally feeling comfortable with life being full of projects. I used to want all the “special projects” done as perfectly and quickly as possibly so I could get right back to my normal life and routine. Now I’m learning to roll with it. It’s okay that I’ve […]
My Morning Seven
I am very list-oriented. I don’t work off of a schedule but rather a routine and a to-do list. My to-do list has four sections. The first section is for the “morning”. I want these things done by about 10 AM for the day to go smoothly. This is my bare bones must-be-done list. If […]
Tot School Break and Milestones: August
Kent was 13 months old in August. We didn’t do much for structured Tot School in August and September. We had a lot of fun and did random activities as they fit in. His physical development exploded in August! If you think you see disposable diapers in some of these pictures you’re right. We had […]
Casual Saturday & Blogging
It is Saturday, right? 😉 With me home and Brian on four 10’s it gets a little confusing. Let’s see what’s new. I’m in the midst of painting our living room, to be followed by painting the kitchen. I found my dream couch on craigslist yesterday so my Mom and Kent and I drove down […]
Canning Madness
Alternate title: Tomatoes, Grapes, and Apples, Oh my!! What are you canning?
Paint Samples: Definitely Worth It!
Painting is not my favorite thing to do. Not even close. So, when I do paint a room I really want it to be done for awhile. I’ve decided it is finally time to paint over the hideous green color I picked for our kitchen and entryway 5 years ago. I’ve been putting off because […]
Tot School Week #3: Yellow
What are you doing in your house to learn about colors? Or do you have suggestions for fun activities we should try?
Chit Chat and Haircut
I think Saturdays may be a good day to do casual posts. We’ll see. The whole idea of jumping back in to blogging is appealing but I’m just taking it as it comes. Here’s me with my new haircut. It looks lopsided in this pic but it’s not. It’s so light compared to my long […]