Tot School Week #2: Red
Expect a couple more of these posts in quick succession as I’m still catching up. We continued our Color Themes with Red. Kent was 12 months old. What fun pre-writing activities does your child enjoy? This post is linked to the weekly Tot School link up at 1+1+1=1.
Details on our Debt Free Status
As I mentioned here, we became debt free except the mortgage on August 28th, 2012. You can follow our journey from the very beginning in Our Money Story. We got serious about kicking the debt habit in October of 2009. So, it took a lot of meandering along and then 3 years of pretty focused […]
Tot School Week #1: Blue
I have a few weeks of Tot School to post about so I can get caught up. We started with Color Themes. First up was Blue. Kent was 12 months old that week. Have you done Color Themes? Any must-do activities to share? What does your kid do with a Magna Doodle?
On Facebook I asked my friends to “GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?!”. My Aunt Linda nailed it! In her words: <—- I really thought my Aunt Linda was going to guess it but she was way off. Yeah baby, that’s right! Oh wait, that part doesn’t work anymore either. I really thought someone would guess it […]
Thinking About Tot School (Links to Reference)
I have been excited to start “Tot School” with Kent since I first read about it months ago. If you’re not familiar with it yourself go check out the link for a full explanation. It basically just involves being more intentional with our playtime and making a point to do a lot of fun, varied […]
Farm Friday Debut: Chicken Journal 6/21/12
This is a new feature here at MarriedtotheFarm. I hope to make it a series but I’m not going to promise anything because, well, we all know how it goes when I commit to blogging regularly. I thought it’d be fun to update on our chicks as we take them from fuzzy balls of fluff […]
Menu Plan
M: Hamburger Helper / Spaghetti + Garlic Bread T: Beef Roast + Mashed Potatoes and Gravy W: “Wow” Chicken + Sweet Potato Fries R: Ham Roast + Mac & Cheese F: Alfredo Pizza S: Leftovers S: Shorts Ribs + Rice The Hamburger Helper was in our pantry for Brian to have on nights I was […]
Menu Plan / Baking Day
M: Ham & Cheese Macaroni Bake T: Homemade Chicken Patty Sandwiches + Ranch rice W: Beef Tacos R: Pork Loin Cutlets + Roasted Potato Wedges F: Pizza + breadsticks S: Leftover Buffet S: Potluck – take dish! All meals include salad for me, a veggie or two for Kent, and usually a little fruit or […]
Money Story Update
I updated Our Money Story just now. Check it out if you’re new here or have been following our progress. We’re not quite debt free except the mortgage yet but we’re definitely on the right track. Goal: debt free except the mortgage by the end of 2012! As it says in my little disclaimer at […]
First Garden Picture and 2011 Archives
I updated the “Garden” page and hope/plan to do a better job keeping it updated this year. So far I’ve started 3 flats of tomatoes in the house and planted peas in the garden. I’ve copied and pasted all the old information from the 2011 Garden page here to archive it. Here’s the garden as […]