Yesterday happened to be my short day at work and I made a point to be home in time for Oprah’s Debt Diet (Part 4, I think). I generally like Oprah and was curious to see what her plan was all...
Had a nice time outside tonight fed the horses, weeded in the garden for awhile, went out and did chores. I gathered the eggs and put them in the front pockets of my scrub top. I was just finishing...
Brian called from the barn to say that if I wanted a good Sunday Stroll picture I should go out on the porch stunning. Too see who else is strolling today visit Quiet Country House...
In my quest to become the perfect wife (*cough*) I have baked perfect loaves of bread, concocted fruit pies, and whipped real cream in to our favorite desserts. I must admit, though, that the simple...
This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesdays over at We Are That Family. As a part of my cleaning routine I like to tackle two rooms each morning. Doing two rooms each day six days a week means no...
Remember last year? My Mom and sister and I teamed up to make our jam for the whole year. This year I took the idea to our church instead. Our church is always looking for new fellowship ideas and ...
The dog beds are all in the laundry. so the dog is in the laundry too! This is what I found when I woke up. And this, from the other day I was putting away laundry and the cat thought he would climb...
Pretty generic title, I know. Not feeling creative I guess! 🙂 Just figured I should post something until I get around to putting up something better. Here’s a few of the latest: Our Buckeye rooster...
I’m making myself tackle some major chores today. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can reward myself by spending the next two days outside. Anyway, it is time for spring cleaning. Here are...
When I can tear myself away from the garden I’m slowly reorganizing our kitchen cabinets. So far I have all the upper cabinets done. Next, I need to tackle the drawers and bottom cabinets. ...
when the water in the shower runs black!! I put in 40 tomato plants today and did a whole lot of weeding to make a place for them. It feels good to get so much done plus church, breakfast out with...
Ugg. Can’t I just write that? Lol. Might as well just say what’s on my mind I haven’t been writing because I’m not sure in which direction to take this blog. It seems like all I ever post about...
I was unlucky enough to get a virus on our laptop early Saturday morning so if I’m not around for awhile that’s why. I’m hoping to get it back on Monday but we’ll see. TTFN!...
It never hurts to have some chicken precooked and waiting in the freezer. Ingredients: Chicken breasts (I prep them to stretch them farther) Oil or butter You can cook the chicken a few different...
This is one of my favorites. Not because of the taste, although it is good. It’s my favorite because we like to grill it and hubby does the grilling. i.e. less cooking for me. 😉 Ingredients: Your...