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The Milk Experiments Continue…

Yes, there comes a time when every raw milk connoisseur must try yogurt. I looked through several recipes before stumbling upon my favorite one: Yogurt in your Crock Pot over at Sarah’s Musings. It is...

How did your relationship change you?

I’m thinking about this some because my DH has gone away hunting and left me to hold down the fort. When we first got together it took awhile for him to realize how badly I wanted to be outside...

Quick Update

Still here kind of taking it easy since having a four day weekend for the holiday. Mentally, though, my gears are turning with thoughts of the new year. I’m caught up in a nice fiction book but am...

Making Mozzarella

And you thought I’d forget to post about this 😉 Gathering Supplies: When I wanted to make mozzarella I knew the place to go was I had heard of Ricki Carroll the “Cheese Queen” more...

I Like It

I like this post so much that I think you should all go read it right now.  It’s safe to click, I promise. It describes what I have trouble saying yes I care about the environment and yes I want to...

Time Takers

At the risk of sounding cliche, I’m beginning to think in terms of goal-setting as we approach the new year. I want more focus in my life. Perhaps this is just how life goes but lately I feel like I’m...

The Best Carrot Cake Ever

I served this tonight at my sister’s birthday party. Everyone was raving about it! I was a little apprehensive when my sister requested a carrot cake but it was very easy to make. I’m not going to...

Gleaning Pumpkins

This is my post for Works for Me Wednesday. Check out other great tips today over at We Are THAT Family. ***Imagine a big picture of my pumpkin here. You know – that picture that I haven’t got around...

What do you miss?

For the most part I think the readers here are the type to make sacrifices in an effort to either help the environment or save money, or both. Around here we’ve given up almost all processed and...

Deep roots!

If you were expecting a post about our family history sorry to disappoint! Brian was working up the field that borders one of our pastures and he hooked this alfalfa plant. Wow! I had no idea the...

Every Apple in the House

Instead of “every light in the house is on” every apple in the house is peeled. Sure there are a few eating apples left but every apple that was destined for a jar is in one now. Last year I think I...

Drowning in Milk

This post is linked to Frugal Fridays over @ Life As Mom. Click the image below to check out the other great tips! You may recall that awhile back we joined a cow share program. I had really good...

How I Freeze Homemade Bread

This posted is linked to Works for Me Wednesday. Check it out for other useful tips! I’m lovin’ homemade bread now that I can make a good loaf consistently. My schedule doesn’t allow for baking every...

Excited About Budgeting

This post is linked to the weekly blog carnival Tackle it Tuesday. Click on the banner to see what everyone else is tackling this week. This post is also linked up to Two Cents Tuesday over at Not The...

Day in the Life: Part 2

5:45 PM: Still peeling apples! I’ve got a full load (7 quarts) processing and lots to go. I’ve been doing some here and there and want them DONE. Of course I’ve taken a few breaks. I read all 3 parts...