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A Day in the Life: Part 1

Hopefully this will be about as typical of a Saturday as we have around here so I thought I’d share “a day in the life”. 7 AM: Brian’s up, I say, “Are you staying up already?”. Dumb question! 7:15 AM:...

Still here…

I don’t have much in particular to post about. I just wanted to put it out there that I’m still here! I had posts all ready in my head for the past week and never got around to any of them. The menu...

Menu Plan Monday 10/26 – 10/31

Monday: Chicken Patties & Buttered Noodles Tuesday: Baked Rotini w/ garlic bread (based loosely on this recipe) Wednesday: Hamburgers/hot dogs on the grill w/ rice Thursday: Short ribs in the...

Why would you want to be so busy?

I saw my Mom today and she was telling the ladies at our knitting group how busy I am. Like crazy busy. I guess she’s right, and I probably do tell people I am busy a lot, but it still surprised me to...

Taking the Sheep

I didn’t mean to be “away” so long. I spent my day off trying to help my cousin out with her new baby. It went pretty well but that on top of not sleeping well the night before I had to take the sheep...

I Admit It…I’m A Softie

I went to college with a bunch of animal loving vegetarians. “How can you eat your animals!?” they would ask. My response? I’m not ready to stop eating meat so the next best thing I can do is make...

Menu Plan Monday 10/19 – 10/24

Monday: Hamburgers/Hot dogs on the grill w/ rice Tuesday: Chicken patties & buttered noodles Wednesday: Homemade chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes w/ chicken gravy Thursday: Baked Walleye w/...

Harvest of Friends Blog Party

This is my post for the Harvest of Friends blog party hosted by Lynnette Kraft over at Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground. Lynnette has come up with the following 20 questions so that we can get to...

Preparing for Winter: Outside

I told myself I was going to “take the day off” and relax completely. Yeah right! 😛 I did some lounging around the house this morning, then we went to see my cousin’s new baby. He’s such a cutie and...


If you have time hop over to Hulu and watch this video. It is an episode of the Dave Ramsey show from last December. It is all about giving and being helped by others’ giving and it is very inspiring...

Frugal Friday: Try The Junkyard

This tip comes from my husband. A week or so ago he was trying to shift the older Ford pickup in to 4 wheel drive. Some part of the shifter lever broke. How convenient with winter coming, right? He...

God is working

I’m not going to thump my Bible or anything, and I’m not sure that I have ever even mentioned religion or God here before (not sure on this). I’m not even going to go in to the whole topic very much...

Farm Widow?

This is the time of year that truly defines a farmer’s wife. Getting through the 3 months of harvest season says more about a marriage than the other 9 months put together, IMO. It started here today...

Trash Day

Tomorrow is trash day so, obviously, we take out the trash. I have also learned that tonight is the best time to clean out the fridge. I go through and sniff things, inspect containers of...

Menu Plan Monday

I have been doing menu plans steadily for the last 4 weeks, I just haven’t been posting them. I made myself up a handy template and plan for 2 weeks at a time now. I’ll just share one week here to...