I'm giving you a peek at our favorite curriculum for teaching beginning readers. It actually introduces reading, writing, spelling, and grammar - all in one! We have used...
After being stuck in the house for weeks due to the winter weather, I found unwrapping this mattress way too amusing! We purchased two for our boys’ bunk beds...
We did a grocery haul for our large family of 8 from Country View Bulk Foods in Snover, MI. I show you what we got an answer some questions about whether everything is outdated, what they carry...
Join me as I unbox a Stitch Fix and try on what they sent, plus I give a review of how I like Kut from the Kloth Jeans after having a pair for 2 years! I get it that Stich Fix isn't for everyone...
This was the first "vlog" I ever shared! It starts with me really short of breath (who else gets like that when you're pregnant!?) and then I go on to reminisce about life with one or two kids, and...
Here's a quick video showing how I prepare cornmeal mix from scratch, and then use a Foodsaver Jar Sealer to seal it in jars. The recipe I used can be found here...
I found this picture awhile ago on the iPad. Kent took it from his car seat. We were parked in the Walmart parking lot. I think I was going over my grocery list. Seeing things from his...
My eyes were first opened to the potential of unit blocks when I read this post on How We Montessori. I was intrigued so I requested Teaching Numeracy, Literacy, and Language with Blocks from our...