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Euthanasia and Eagles

This was brought to my attention last night at a chapter meeting of the Michigan Vet. Med. Association. Apparently there is a link between the improper disposal of euthanized pets and the death of...

New Life!! (Updated)

Here’s what I came rushing home to find! I was going to write “he was mostly dry” and just realized in all my excitement I never even looked to see whether it was a male or a female! I’ll get back to...

Prepping for Lambs

Lambing is imminent, I do believe. We’ll see whether it happens tonight, tomorrow, or Tuesday. I do have to work in the morning but only half the day. I hope it happens before my full work day on...

Me & My Valentine

Okay this is a little late for V-day but I saw it over at Farmer’s Daughter and thought it looked like a lot of fun. Play along if you like! Me and My Valentine What are your middle names?Brian’s is...

Pillow Thief

Brian went to bed early, he’s still not feeling well. I stayed up until after midnight cleaning and reading. I finally woke up at 9:15 this morning thanks to a barking puppy. I knew the cat had been...

Knitting Socks

There has been a long running joke, or at least a funny saying, going on between my Mom and I. She tells everyone that her daughter is “growing” sheep, and she is learning to spin yarn and make socks...

Checking In

I’m still here, I promise! 🙂 I’ve been a little busy this week but will have a more substantial post up soon. Work for me has been very busy this week due to the schools’ mid-winter breaks. Brian...

Tracking Paper Usage

Our second order of Seventh Generation 500 sheets/roll 100% recycled toilet paper came yesterday. We split the first order with a friend so started with only 24 rolls. That was on November 19, 2008...

Oreos and Rain

Most of the snow is gone now and it has been raining since sometime last night. Once lunchtime came at work all I could think about was coming home and cuddling up with a book, a movie, 3 dogs, and a...

Sunday Stroll

Today I did some more painting around the windows and Brian took down the old trim in our entryway. I did venture outside long enough to take some pictures. It was over 40 again today so a lot of the...

Git ‘Er Done

When we have slow days at work I make mental lists of all the things I could be doing at home. Then when I get home I’m usually tired or just don’t feel like getting much done. Well, the last few...

Dogs Days of Summer

Since we all miss those nice warm summer days I thought I would share some warm weather pictures. These are some of my all time favorite pictures. I love the teal blue colors of the water and of...

Our 1st Farm Truck

I try to plan for big purchases. This year it was going to be a toss-up between a loader for the JD 4010 (or a separate loader tractor) or a farm truck. Brian found a pretty decent farm truck for sale...

Sunday Stroll

L to R: Rocky, Pistol, Pooh, Shady Can you see the little tracks? This is Lily, our boldest sheep. She climbs up on the feeder to say hi! Our two calves. They are doing pretty well. Still cleaning up...

Weird/Bad Dreams

I have really weird, and usually scary, dreams several times a month. Brian says I’m crazy but I blame it on watching too much America’s Most Wanted as a child. Watching CSI in recent years probably...