So today I went strollin’, and this is what I saw. The leaves are so thick you can’t see the grass in a lot of spots. I’ve still got some peas trying to grow in the garden. I don’t think they’lll make...
So in honor of Crunchy Chicken’s Pioneer Week I’m doing things a little different this week. The idea is to live as much like a Pioneer as you can by using local, non-processed goods and giving up...
Just wanted to take time out to thank all the people who worked hard on this election and helped promote our future President. If you baked cookies, held fund raisers, registered people to vote, or...
So I got this little gem in my inbox today from a close friend: *********************************** I’m sure those of you who aren’t in the cattle business don’t understand the issues here. But to...
Sorry for the long gap in posts – I lost my internet connection for awhile this week. I have apples coming out of my ears and there is no end in sight – STILL! I thought I would share some of the...
Yup, I used to love it. I remember when they opened a Super Wal-Mart about 20 miles away from where I grew up. It was the new cool place to go. After all, they were open 24 hours. That was when I was...
Okay, time for an update: 1. Plant something. Well, I should be planting garlic. Instead, I’m about to order some. I kind of forgot now was the time to plant it until I saw the post about it over at...
Okay since my memory card is full I think this is going to be picture week around here. I tend to snap pics with the intent to share and then never quite get there. But first – guess what!!? We...
So a little more than a year after moving in and rearranging our kitchen to make room for a dishwasher, it is finally up & running. And I sure am loving it. I have lived without a dishwasher for...
Unfortunately I’m not referring to socializing or dining when I say “breaking bread”. I’ve finally turned out two good batches of homemade bread and plan to stop buying the store bought stuff all...
Yay! Although I have been actively lurking (if that makes any sense) I haven’t been ready to jump back in to blogging until now! Things were so crazy all summer planning the wedding and then playing...
Yesterday I was lucky enough to head out to the beach with a friend for the first part of the day. My fiance, Brian, was working for our friends that grow pickles so when I got home I decided to go...
Okay I have a million new things (okay maybe a dozen) to post about. The majority of our wedding invitations are mailed out so I can start to relax again and get out of lurker mode. For those of you...
Happy 4th of July everybody! I hope y’all get to enjoy this day with your families. Here is an inspiring video for you to check out. I think it is great and hope this spreads to other sports teams...